Read Uglies written by Scott Westerfeld to be part of the next book discussion!
Everybody gets to be supermodel gorgeous . What could be so wrong with that? In Tally's world, your sixteenth birthday brings an operation that turns you from a repellent "Ugly" into a stunningly attractive "Pretty" and catapults you into a high-tech paradise where your only job is to have a really great time. Will Tally ever turn "Pretty?" Read to find out!
Everybody gets to be supermodel gorgeous . What could be so wrong with that? In Tally's world, your sixteenth birthday brings an operation that turns you from a repellent "Ugly" into a stunningly attractive "Pretty" and catapults you into a high-tech paradise where your only job is to have a really great time. Will Tally ever turn "Pretty?" Read to find out!
Do you think that David will ever forgive Tally?
Would you recommend Uglies to someone and why or why not?
If you have time, please write a small summary to try to convince someone to read this book.
i would recommend the book to a girl because it deals with for feminine stuff rather than action.I think David will eventually forgive tally because deep down he knows she made the right decision to help shay and that everything will be alright.This book is about a girl tally who doe sent know if she wants to turn pretty .Then her newfound friend Shay runs away and its her job to track her down and find her and turn her in or not turn her in a stay an ugly forever.
-Aaron Lemon :D XD
I think Uglies is an interesting book about the future. If you like science fiction then read it!
I think that Tally would forgive Tally becaues she wants to take the cure, so she is helping David and Maddy out, so i think it will help David forgive her.
I would recommend this book to someone because it does make you think about what will happen in about 20 years and if our world will be like Tally. I do think the endin wasnt that good but if you read the other book then i guess you will understand the ending more. fmz.
Please try to write a short summary!
I think that David will forgive Tally because if he is really her friend then he will forgive her. And Tally is helping David and Maddy by taking the cure so he should forgive her. Yes, I would recommend this book for someone to read. But i would also tell them that it is a very challenging science fiction book to read. So if they're up to the challenge they should read it!
Yes, I do. I think he will not be able to forgive her completely.
I would recommend this to somebody who likes to read. It is long, but if you have time on your hands.
Tally must pick if she will be pretty, a life long dream. Otherwise she can stay "ugly" an live with David in the Smoke.
I think this was a good book because it makes you think about what will happen in 20 years or more. i dont think the ending was very good, but i would read the other books. fmz
I think the book was really good. a short summary would be that Tally youngblood is in a difficult situation when she is about to turn pretty and graduate from her uglyville her new best friend Shay runs away and she is put in a difficult situation.....Does she turn in her friend and become pretty or run away with her friend. To find out the end pick up the copy for yourself.
Uglies is a book similar to the Giver and Gathering Blue. It is about a science fiction world where at 16 you get a surgery that makes you pretty. I think David will eventually forgive Tally because she is helping him, but he will not forgive her right away.
dont read this book. it is horrible.
also the ending is bad cause there are no twists. david will forgive tally cause like every one like makes mistakes like duuu
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i agree with everybody on here. personally, i think that David will forgive her. i would recommend this book to anybody who likes science fiction. u have to pay attention to the book very carefully cuz u will get lost. i agree with aaron, this is more like a "girly" book. again if u like science fiction then read this book!
I think the David will forgive Tally because i would think that she wants to be cured and i think that its because of David that she is doing it. She really cares about him so i think he will notice that and forgive her.I would recommend this book to people who love to read science fiction because when i started to read it i didnt understand because i only read fantasy and realistic fiction.
I think that David will forgive Tally because she was willing to help find a cure for the Pretties. She turned herself Pretty for the good of everyone who believes what the Smokies believe. That people should be able to do what they want and not just be a mindless zombie who has fun because that's what the government wants you to do. You should be free to be "ugly".
-6th grade reading enrichment student (2007)
Loved this book. i read it in reading enrichment. I believe that david becomes tallys lover and of course forgives her!!!!!!!!
Summarized version....
tally has always dreamed of being a pretty...but when she meets shay, everything changes.... should she stay "Ugly" for the rest of her life and live in smoke, or become pretty and give away the location of innocent people.....
Find out by reading the book. i <3 it!!!!!!!!
karl:i think that david will forgive her because she was blackmailed into this.
I would recommend this book for both genders but more to girls because it deals with girl problems more. I think David will forgive Tally but he will never forgive her completly because he and his family were agenst it but then agin he does like her. It is a great science fiction/fantansy book and I hope you get a chance to read it.It is a page turner that is very suspensful.
I think that David will forgive Tally. This is because David might think something different than his mother. He may not agree with what she thinks which is that it is all Tally's fault. They care about each other and want the best for each other which is to be safe and cured. David also wants to cure all the other pretties, so this means he will not let Tally suffer. This book can probably be read by anybody who likes exciting and suspenseful books that are science fiction/fantasy. It is more for girls because the main character is a girl. It is a page turner and has unexpected roads to follow.
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1. I think that David will forgive Tally because he knows that she did the right thing, because friendship is truly more important then glamour.
2. I would not reccomend this book because it was not a very interesting topic, and the storyline/plot didnt make sense. There wasnt enough action, or surprises.
3. This book is about a girl called Tally who lives in a world in which when you turn 16, you get a special surgery to make you beautiful. One girl that lives in this world is named Tally, and she has a friend named Shay. Shay, contrary to most people in this world, does not want this surgery. One thing leads to another and Tally has to choose between saving her best friend, or becoming beautiful.
zschmidt said.....
I think David will forgive Tally sooner or later because he will have to understand that she wanted to help her friend, Shay, and if he was really a close frined and understood that Tally was only trying to help, then he would forgive her. I would recommend this book to someone else because it shows that if everyone else is doing something that you think is wrong , then you should stand up for yourself. A summary of this book.........At the age of sixteen, everyone is turned into a supermodel(a Pretty.) Then Shay, her friend runs away, and Tally does not know what to do. Should she help her friend, or do what everyone else is doing and become a Pretty?
I think David will forgive tally over time because tally was doing what she believed. I would recommend this book to anyone who is crazy about their looks and gos through a lot to change them because the book is really all about looks and becoming a pretty which is a person who gets a operation and is instantly popular right after the operation. people with out the operation are called uglies but they are just normal people.
Chelsea Tinsley
I think that in time David will forgive Tally. I think he will forgive her because even though Tally did make that horrible mistake she desperately trys to fix it. Like any person I think David will commend Tally for trying to make everything better.
Summary -
Tally has always dreamed of becoming a pretty. Ever since she was a littlie. But after Tally meets Shay that all changes. Tally has to make a life changing decision-should she stay in Smoke and stay Ugly forever or give the where-a-bouts of the innocent people who live in the Smoke and become pretty. Read the book to find out.
I would recommend this book to people because it has a good story line and you are always into the book and its entertaining. Its apporpriate for all ages.
I believe that David will sooner or later forgive Tally. He probably realizes that she is just trying to help him and she's his friend. I wouldn't recommend this book personally is nothing but something to keep me bored. I really just skimmed it after a while.
This story is about Tally who is unsure of becoming pretty. By becoming pretty I mean that at age 16 a surgery supposedly turns people pretty and bring people into a high tech world and junk. Her friend Shay runs away and Tally must find her or Tally doesn't get to become pretty...
P.S. I like pie.
I think that David will at some point forgive Tally for doing what she did because even though David's family doesn't think she should be forgiven, David knows that Tally wants to find a cure for the pretties and even though Tally turned pretty, she is still an Ugly on the inside.
I would recomend this book to people who like to read a simple storyline, but with many details. I think that people would really like this book because it shows you how the future might look like and if we really would actually become "rusties".
What happened in this book was that there was a girl named Tally and she lives in a world where when you turn 16 years old, you turn from being "ugly"(normal)to being really pretty. She meets a person named Shay who has doubts about becoming pretty. When the day comes for Tally to turn pretty, her new friend runs away to places beyond where the pretties and uglies live. Tally is sent to search for her and even if she didnt want to, she was being blackmailed into doing it by the "specials" who threaten to not make Tally into a pretty if she didnt help them
PS there is too much stuff in this book to summarize all of it
Jazmin B.
I think that David will forgive Tally in time because in the end Tally tries to correct her mistake and help shay in the end. Also David really cares for Tally and won't be able to not forgive her.
I would recommend this book to girls. This book is about a girl named Tally who lives in the future. In the book there are pretties and uglies. Tally will turn pretty at the age of sixteen, but when Tally's new friend Shay runs away and the special forces won't let Tally turn pretty, she gets into a world of trouble.
I believe that David will forgive Tally because she was willing to help find a cure for the Pretties. I also think that Tally will be forgiven because of the strong relationship they had from the start. And it seemed she turned herself Pretty for the good of everyone who believes like pretty much what the Smokies believe.
I really enjoyed reading this book. For me this was like the best science fiction book ever. I enjoyed the excitement and the thought of being born ugly but then being made pretty. One part of the book I didn't really like was how everyone is so lazy. I know this is sience fiction but still I didnt really like the lazieness. Text Ex: Interface rings
But still for the most part I would highy reccomend this book for anyone.
I think that David will forgive Tally because he doesn't have the same opinion as his mother. Also, he likes Tally, and feels like she tried to correct her mistake in the end and help Shay.
I would recommend this book to girls mostly because they can relate to how Tally feels about her "ugliness". I would recommend The Uglies to girls 11 and up because younger girls might not feel the same way Tally does. This book is about a girl named Tally who lives in the future and is an 'ugly'. In the book, when you turn 16 you turn into a 'pretty'. Tally has a new friend named Shay. When Shay runs away, Tally has to pick between turning in her friend or never becoming pretty.
i think that David will forgive Tally bacause they were such a great couple! This book is a exciting story that takes place in the future. Hoverboarding, bungee jumping, and the Rusties! A young girl named Tally, goes on a dangerous trip so she can become supermodle pretty.tally must find a place called the Smoke and activate a pendent that is really a tracking device. Tally doesnt know if she should activate the pendent because the Smoke is home to many people. Now Tally must chose from being pretty, or betraying many people!
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